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8 Ways to Stay Positive at Work 

Most of us feel grumpy when the alarm goes off in the morning — we just can’t drag ourselves out of bed and go to work. Do we hate our jobs? Not really. Then what’s the problem? Are we just used to being complainers? Probably.

And when we go to work with such an attitude, things start getting worse. Because a bad mood is the top enemy of productivity. You may think that to nag now and then is fine, but the pressure will accumulate over time and affect your work performance.

A positive attitude isn’t about faking a smile and forcing yourself to have a nice chat with a coworker. It’s much more, and requires patience to master.  Some people are naturally cheerful. If you’re not that type, it’s fine, you just have to go an extra mile for your happiness. Now let’s see how to do it while you’re working.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

If you hang around negative people it will affect you badly. You might think you’ll motivate them to change themselves, but after a couple of attempts you’ll give up on that idea.

Try to limit your communication to people who are excited about the job and have a positive outlook on life.

Also, it’s useful to expand the conversations to non-work related topics. It will keep you exposed to new ideas and experiences. And of course, try to make friends when you think it’s possible.

But having ideal coworkers isn’t a privilege everybody has. If you’re stuck in a team where everybody is nagging, try not to adopt their habits. Instead, tune out by listening to music or go for walk to unwind a bit. Trust me, it will keep you sane, because bad moods are more contagious than you think.

Take Breaks

Of course, you know this, but most of the time you’re probably glued to your office desk. Even a five-minute break is enough to shake you up.

The same goes for having lunch. Eating at your desk isn’t the best idea. If you have the opportunity to get out for lunch, try to do it as much as possible. Having your favorite meal in peace will be a good reset for the rest of the day.

A grasp of fresh air, a change of atmosphere or a nice chat will make a difference. A study from Baylor University found out that office workers who take frequent breaks throughout the day report higher job satisfaction, reduced stress levels, and greater motivation. So get up from your desk, and go for a walk!

Deal with Problems Professionally

If there’s a problem that keeps bugging you, get into the habit of fixing it right away. Bottling up negative feelings will give you headaches. Keep your emotions aside, and try to resolve the matter professionally. In the worst scenarios, that’s the best you can do. Once the problem is solved, you’ll be proud of yourself for handling it correctly.

Also, it’s a good idea to know how you are going to deal with work-related problems in advance. So each time a problem arises, it doesn’t hit you right in the face. If you face a problem with your boss, how are you going to tackle it? Do you have a method of dealing with annoying people compassionately?

Watch your Language

Be conscious when thinking and speaking. And swear less, if you do. The language you use shapes your perspective of the world and vice versa. It reflects your attitude about the work, people that surround you, and most importantly about yourself. So think twice when complaining, but never when complimenting!

Get Some Sleep

It’s extremely hard to stay positive when you’re over-exhausted. In fact, it’s impossible. So before blaming every misfortune on your job, make sure to get enough sleep.

If you yawn way too often and are in need of a nap around lunch, it’s a tell-tale sign that you need more rest in your life. Changing your sleep routine isn’t easy, but it’s definitely possible with enough discipline.

Set Goals

If you feel like you’re stuck, there’s nothing better than to create a list of goals you want to achieve. But don’t try to jump over your head, think realistically.

Also, don’t set goals that are abstract such as “learn something new.” Instead write down exactly what you want to learn.  Retaining a positive attitude while going nowhere is hard. So take control of your future, and pin down an inspiring but also manageable to-do list now! Put it somewhere near your desk, so it is always in your sight.

Decorate Your Desk

When your workplace is nice, it’s going to cheer you up. If you’re allowed to, decorate your work corner with posters, family photos, in short — with everything that motivates you. And of course, don’t forget to bring your favorite mug to work. Having a plant is also a good idea.

Never Stop Learning

Constant learning will make your life purposeful. If you focus your mind on the positive outcomes of on-job education, you will perceive a new task not as daunting but as challenging.
Curiosity can bring even the most mundane situation into the spotlight. It will make you mindful, and help you appreciate your circumstances.

This refers to negative stations also. Had an argument with one of your colleagues? Don’t get discouraged — find a way to learn from that.  When you’ve embraced your learner attitude, it’s time to share your knowledge with others. It feels satisfying when your help is acknowledged.

When you feel something of the above mentioned is not working, there is one thing you can do — smile! You probably know that smiling, even when you don’t feel like it, improves your mood for the better. I know, pulling a fake smile isn’t very exciting, but at least you can try and see if it works for you. But if that doesn’t work either, it might be time for you to switch jobs.

Maintaining a positive attitude at work isn’t easy, but if you are dedicated to making it happen, it will pay off soon. It always starts and ends with a smile — it will put you into a positive mindset and inspire others!

Maria Mkrtchyan on InstagramMaria Mkrtchyan on Twitter
Maria Mkrtchyan
Staff Writer: Maria is a freelance writer who lives and writes outside the box. Honest and casual as she is in person, she is in her writing. She will pen down everything that's challenging, inspiring and has the potential of making the world a more intelligent and sensible place. In her spare time, she loves taking artsy photos, traveling, writing poetry, meditating and just surrendering to philosophical musings. You can follow her on Twitter @mariatheflaneur and Instagram mariatheflaneur

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Staff Writer: Maria is a freelance writer who lives and writes outside the box. Honest and casual as she is in person, she is in her writing. She will pen down everything that's challenging, inspiring and has the potential of making the world a more intelligent and sensible place. In her spare time, she loves taking artsy photos, traveling, writing poetry, meditating and just surrendering to philosophical musings. You can follow her on Twitter @mariatheflaneur and Instagram mariatheflaneur

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