Stress. It can be an everyday part of life, if you let it. Sometimes, it’s like an old friend that you can depend on, but at the same time, one that never wants to leave your house. When you pursue the entrepreneurial journey, you take on an exciting new endeavor where its success is completely in your own hands. However, along with that journey comes certain aspects that most everyone feels at some point; some good and some not so good. In this case, stress is one of those aspects that can’t be avoided, but it can be effectively managed.
As you prepare, or are in the midst of this new career, let’s take a look at some of the most effective and positive ways that you can handle the stress and pressure that comes with becoming an entrepreneur.
I can tell you that when I have gone to the gym that I have seen restaurant owners, insurance office owners, and other types of business entrepreneurs working out at the facility. Exercise is a great stress reliever, and just makes you feel great in general. The body releases endorphins while you’re exercising, and endorphins are what the brain releases when you feel happiness. Being an entrepreneur, while fulfilling, can be taxing at times. Exercise refuels your energy and puts some excitement back into your mind and thought process. It helps clear your head and puts focus on something other than work-related tasks.
There are also so many types of exercises that fit the unique tastes of various people out there. Some people like to hike, spin, walk, run, while others may prefer to swim, do yoga, or lift weights to help clear their heads and refocus their minds. You won’t regret hitting the gym or taking the time to exercise when you feel like the pressure of the workplace is too much. It’s a great escape from reality, that’s not only positive but is also instrumental for your body and your busy mind.
Take time away
I was once told that when it comes to raising kids, don’t put them in time out, but to give them time away instead. I was advised that this is a more positive and effective approach than using the old-fashioned time out strategy due to the meaning of time away versus time out. As an adult, I find that the same can be said about taking time for yourself after a long and trying day.
Even if you find yourself being pushed and pulled in different directions from your team, simply take a moment away from the situation and think about it on your own. Reflect on the facts, calm down the emotions, and then decide what the best course of action is going forward. You may need more than just a moment to decide everything, but the best thing you can do is separate yourself and be “away” from it until the dust settles.
This maneuver will not only let your team know that you aren’t jumping the gun on emotions, but that you want to take the proper time and course of action before serious decisions are made that will affect those involved.
Surround yourself with love
I think we all know that if we don’t have people to support us and our decisions, then where would we be? While many people tackle obstacles on their own, most have had someone in their corner backing them up. When you take on something like entrepreneurship, surrounding yourself with people who are supportive, loving, and positive are key. In reality, why wouldn’t we want to be around people that are anything but that in our life?
As entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist Warren Buffet says, “Surround yourself with people that push you to do better. No drama or negativity. Just higher goals and motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply bringing out the absolute best in each other.”
If you can’t find that sort of love in your life, then it’s best to look for those who will support and love you through this process. Entrepreneurship isn’t meant to be a lonely road, but one that you can share with those that believe in this rewarding journey.
Getting More Sleep
I think this is one of the most taken for granted aspects of life that us humans have. Many people think that if they forego sleep to get more things done that they will be more productive and effective in their work. While it’s one thing to push yourself to have a late night to meet a deadline, it’s another to do it again and again.
Sleep deprivation is costly not only to you physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Some of the most common health issues are high blood pressure, diabetes, and weakened immune system. Mentally, it could lead to memory loss, mood changes, and trouble with thinking and concentration.
As someone who needs to be focused and on task, losing sleep or pushing through it can lead to unwarranted consequences for you and your business. Well-known entrepreneur, author, and businesswoman, Arianna Huffington became a sleep advocate when she herself was hospitalized for exhaustion.
When interviewed about the upcoming generations forgoing their sleep to do work, Huffington responded, “One tip I often share with young people is to think of sleep as an appointment with themselves — on par with class, for which they stake out time and adjust the rest of the day accordingly. When we think of sleep the same way, we’re far more likely to see its value and treat it as a priority.”
This is especially true when it comes to those on an entrepreneurial journey. Take that time for you and be sure to set that appointment for yourself and get the sleep you need to be the best for you and your team.
As you feel the walls around you close in and the pressure of the job feels like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, then take some of these steps to help alleviate that burden. Feeling stressed can happen, but it’s up to you in letting it make or break you.
Don’t give up.