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10 Tips on How to De-Stress After a Stressful Work Week


Everybody feels stress from time to time. With the constant deadlines, conferences, and dealing with clients all day, there’s no wonder people struggle with the accumulation of stress throughout a busy work week. 

Stress can also be problematic in the long run. It is because it has a direct link to causing many health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Here are 10 tips to help you de-stress after a busy work week.


10 Tips to Help You De-Stress After a Busy Work Week

1. Make time for yourself

Sometimes when the ball is rolling, it’s hard to stop. We seem to get wrapped up in work politics and invest all of our precious energy into it. We forget that we have to satisfy other needs in our life. Remember to make time for yourself. By that, I mean, do that thing that makes you feel fantastic. It could be as simple as watching your favorite movie, listening to your favorite album, or reading a book whilst you drink your morning coffee. 

2. Book a massage 

If you’ve never had a massage, you will be pleasantly surprised at how good you feel afterward. Massages lower your heart rate and release endorphins which directly relate to stress reduction. In addition, it is necessary for your body if you sit at a desk all day; a regular massage can counteract the tension of sitting by activating all of your muscle groups in your lower body. Not to mention it can improve sleep quality, relieve headaches and even boost your overall immunity. 

3. Daily meditation practice-practice affirmations

Meditation is the key to living a more focused, balanced, and stress-free life. There have been many scientific studies into the effect meditation has on our brains and how it can reduce stress and improve overall concentration. 

It changes the structure of your brain in so many fantastic ways. 

Affirmation practice when meditating (depending on what you focus on) can be a great way to boost your confidence and inspire healthier self-esteem.

4. Reconnect with nature 

The Japanese believe in a practice called ‘Forrest Bathing’ (Shin-Rin Yoku), which is heading to a forest, leaving behind all technology, and fully immersing yourself in nature. People have reported this practice to be extremely helpful in lowering their stress levels and creating a lasting feeling of peace. 

If you prefer the beach, why not try and take up surfing or kayaking? Why not provide yourself with a tasty endorphin rush? 

5. Start a journal 

If you are somewhat introverted and find it difficult to express your emotions and stress to somebody, I would highly recommend starting a daily journal. Take it from a writer – it is a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas and creates a sense of clarity in your mind. Not to mention writing can improve cognitive function, self-organization and produce a feeling of peace. So, grab a pen and paper and get started! 

6. Connecting with people you love

Chances are that the people you love are also experiencing some sort of stress. Why not reach out to them and discuss what is on your mind? It can help exponentially when you feel as though you are understood and heard by somebody you care about. If you don’t think that a family member or loved one would understand, why not reach out to one of your trusted work colleagues for a quick work de-brief? Familiarity breeds comfortability. 

7. Prioritize your health

My father always used to tell me that without my physical health, I wouldn’t have a life to live; he hit the nail on the head with that sentiment. When you eat well and exercise regularly, you will see a decrease in your stress. The mental benefits of exercise can be seen as a reduction in stress, depression, and anxiety. Regular exercise can also leave you feeling more confident and happier in general. It can be hard to get into a good workout routine, but it’s like the old saying goes, “no pain no gain….” 

8. Leave your worries at work

The worst thing about work is when you begin to worry about it in your so-called downtime. So the most crucial step to stress management is learning how to leave work at the door and not obsess over it. 

On Friday, before you leave for the weekend, try and get as much done as possible; that way, you won’t be walking home stressed. You could also make a schedule for the following week before you leave for home. 

9. Create a stress-free home environment 

Do you constantly come home from work stressed? Then maybe it’s time to take a look at the physical surroundings of your home. Even if it isn’t spring, do some cleaning – throw out or donate any unnecessary clutter and products you don’t use anymore. Create a peaceful space in your house to come home to every day. Spoil yourself and get that dream mattress you always wanted. 

Make your home a place you can relax and forgot all of your worries. 

10. Cook your favorite meal 

We all love to eat, so why not make/order your favorite meal when you get home after a busy work week? The healthier you make your diet and monitor what you put into your body will effectively reduce overall stress over time. For example, dark chocolate is high in antioxidants and can regulate stress hormones for the physical and mental bodies. Other foods like avocado and fish have efficient stress-relieving properties.

Stress is a catalyst for many negative impacts on our physical and mental health. So when we are working a very stressful week, it is crucial to have some ways to tackle stress management to get what’s best for you out of life. I hope some of these tips have given you a little insight into how you can tackle the weight of a stressful workweek. 

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Monique Dudely
Staff Writer:Monique is a freelance writer, blogger, and seasoned traveler based near Melbourne, Australia. She has always enjoyed expressing herself through her writing and aims to create honest and thought-provoking content. As curious as the cat- Monique is keen to write and learn about as much as she can.
In her spare time, she enjoys photography, surfing, and learning guitar.
You can find her website and social media accounts below.

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Staff Writer:Monique is a freelance writer, blogger, and seasoned traveler based near Melbourne, Australia. She has always enjoyed expressing herself through her writing and aims to create honest and thought-provoking content. As curious as the cat- Monique is keen to write and learn about as much as she can. In her spare time, she enjoys photography, surfing, and learning guitar. You can find her website and social media accounts below.

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