Here are All of the Guests that Have Appeared on Shark Tank
It has probably happened to all of us who watch the show. We eagerly watch the introduction to the program and the announcer introduces a “guest shark”. It is at that point we all say “who is [..]
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8 Reasons Why Small Business Owners Fail to Hit Their Goals
We know that 50% of all new businesses will fail within the first 5 years of opening their doors. Knowing this makes it easy to understand why many people feel discouraged about starting a new business. Many times, [..]
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Will a Degree Help You Build a Business?
Building a business can be daunting, especially in the beginning! But with the right qualification, you can learn the necessary skills to assist you in succeeding with your new business venture.
So, what are the best [..]
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6 Technical Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Learn
In an increasingly fast-paced world, becoming an entrepreneur is tougher than ever. Having soft skills is no longer enough for a business owner to succeed in the entrepreneurial realm.
There are many types of skills [..]
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Jay Modi Recommends 6 Sales Techniques to Practice
It’s no secret that most businesses rely on their team’s effective sales techniques to succeed. Whether your team is interacting with clients in person, over the phone, or virtually, it’s essential to have [..]
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Underperforming Employee Conversation: Here’s How it Should Go
Discussing underperformance with an employee is one of the most challenging tasks a manager can face. However, it’s also an essential part of maintaining a productive and harmonious workplace. [..]
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8 Major Causes of Employee Absenteeism
Chronic, unscheduled absences can have a big impact on your team’s performance. Since these absences are unplanned, it might seem like there’s nothing you can do to prevent them. These absences [..]
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6 Ways to Deal With Employee Absenteeism
It’s no secret that frequently absent employees can cause setbacks for your company and staff. Although employee absenteeism may sometimes feel beyond your control, there are ways you can mitigate this problem [..]
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5 Key Goals for a Car Wash Business
From equipment maintenance and environmental considerations to customer satisfaction and revenue generation, there is a lot involved in running a car wash business. That’s why it is important to have clear goals [..]
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7 Critical Thinking Skills Needed for Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is exciting, isn’t it? As an entrepreneur, you can start with nothing and go as far as your skills will take you. Entrepreneurship requires several different types of skills. You need to be [..]
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