Loyalty to Customers vs. Loyalty to Employees: The Biggest Mistake a Manager Can Make
I’ve become a fairly active redditor of late and three of my favorite subreddits are /TalesFromRetail, /TalesFromYourServer, and /TalesFromTheFrontDesk. Though these subs have helped me to become a much more patient [..]
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Creating More Effective and Engaging Meetings: Interview with Meeteor Founder Mamie Kanfer
Mamie Kanfer Stewart is CEO and founder of Meeteor and author of Momentum: Creating Effective, Engaging and Enjoyable Meetings. Mamie is passionate about helping others optimize their time and cultivate their team to [..]
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8 Successful People Who Can Change Your Life Course in 2018
It’s been said that who you spend your time with is a direct reflection of who you are. So if you’re looking to be successful, you’ll want to surround yourself with successful people. Having a local [..]
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9 Reasons You Should Hire for Personality Instead of Experience
Let me tell you about how I got my first job as a content writer. I was still a student with a CV that had more in common with a blank page than it should have. I was craving for financial independence. I was applying to one [..]
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ConversionPoint’s Robert Tallack Emphasizes Culture in Building Successful Teams
7 years ago
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Everybody talks about teamwork and team-building and yet, in the real work world, achieving success with collaborative partnerships often seems hard-fought.
In fact, a study by Behnam Tabrizi, who teaches transformational [..]
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Leveraging Social Media to Improve eBook Sales
7 years ago
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One of the primary advantages of social media over traditional media is bi-directional communication. Rather than just pumping messages into the ether and hoping some of them stick, social media gives you near instant [..]
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8 Ways to Stay Positive at Work
7 years ago
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Most of us feel grumpy when the alarm goes off in the morning — we just can’t drag ourselves out of bed and go to work. Do we hate our jobs? Not really. Then what’s the problem? Are we just [..]
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25 Inspiring Quotes from Elon Musk
As an entrepreneur and business leader, you are probably quite familiar with the name, Elon Musk. An entrepreneurial powerhouse, Musk is a business magnate whose leadership philosophies and daring risks have transcended the [..]
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5 Steps for a Better Management of Your Remote Customer Service Team
7 years ago
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Technology has enabled many companies to take advantage of a remote workforce, and this offers businesses incredible benefits. For example, you can have access to skilled workers in other areas, and you can save money by [..]
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8 Secrets for a Productive Sales Meeting
7 years ago
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Sales meetings are a crucial component of a successful sales culture. But more often than not, they’re unproductive. Some employees just don’t show up, while others start looking at the clock halfway through [..]
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