Tips from a VC: 6 Simple Mistakes Founders Make When Pitching Investors
Every day, investment firms receive countless emails from entrepreneurs eager to pitch them their next big idea. And every day, business founders worldwide spend countless hours refining their pitch decks in hopes of landing [..]
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How Often Should You Promote Yourself On Social Media?
7 years ago
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Social media was not designed to be something used to generate money for businesses. Social platforms were and are designed to connect people with other people and with the things they care about. This is [..]
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How to Know When to Expand
Expansion can take on different forms, depending on business needs. Expansion can include casting a wider net as far as location and market demographic go, hiring new employees to handle increased demands, increasing [..]
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How to Use LinkedIn to Help Increase Sales
Most of us are familiar with the professional networking platform LinkedIn. It’s often touted as the best way to digitally connect with your professional network, meet others in your field, and to hire candidates. The [..]
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4 Tips for Becoming A Project Manager
7 years ago
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With the ups and downs of the current economy, it can be hard to decide on a good, stable career these days. However, this is where project management can come in handy. Every company and organization out there rely on [..]
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Gaining Influence and Earning a Large Following
7 years ago
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We’re about 3 weeks away from launching our brand new book Social Influence: Attract a Massive Following & Drive Organic Sales Using Social Media”. We’re super excited because in this book we [..]
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Standing Out, Being Seen as an Equal, and Differentiating Yourself
No matter what you want to achieve in life, the reality is that you will need to stand out. Whether you’re working in a corporate environment, selling courses online, or own a brick and mortar business, you need to [..]
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5 Tips to Maintain Inventory
7 years ago
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It’s true that the business world has advanced to a great degree but still there are many businesses out there who find it daunting to manage their inventory. This is because they lack the knowledge on how to manage [..]
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Building Multi-Billion Dollar Brands from Scratch: Our Interview with HGTV Co-founder Susan Packard
Lovers of cable television and home renovation probably can’t image a world without “Flip Flop”, “Property Brothers” and “Love it or List it”. Fans of those shows, as well as [..]
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How to Use Psychological Capital to Improve Work Performance
7 years ago
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Psychological Capital (or PsyCap) has been floating around the academic spheres of the business world for a decade. Positive PsyCap aims to build innovative workplaces by encouraging employees for the sake of their own [..]
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