Who Is Shark Tank Guest Richard Branson?
When Sir Richard Branson, the maverick entrepreneur and founder of the Virgin Group, graced the set of “Shark Tank,” he brought with him not just his immense wealth, experience, and a unique philosophy on [..]
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Top 3 Industries to Earn 6 Figures as a Consultant
The jack of all trades is a master of none.
Being a specialist in one area can be far more lucrative than being average across various things. So all over the world, companies are turning to experts in specific industries to [..]
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Critical Thinking in Entrepreneurship: Definition, Types and How to Develop It
To be a successful entrepreneur, you will need a variety of skills and abilities. Some entrepreneurs will need good marketing skills while others need to be able to develop great products. To do these effectively, all [..]
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The Importance of SMART Goals in Business and Life
Setting goals is important for individuals and businesses alike. However, not all goals are created equal. This is where SMART goals come into play. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, [..]
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When to Consider Product-Incentive Crowdfunding Model for Your Business
The crowdfunding business model is a way for businesses and startups to seek support from individuals within their niche. It offers financial backing in smaller increments, thus building a community of individuals who [..]
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9 Examples of Social Enterprise Businesses
We all know that social impact is something that is becoming more important to individuals and businesses. This creates an opportunity for entrepreneurs to find a way to integrate their desire to start and run an [..]
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How to Handle Issues Within a Family Business
Family can be wonderful. They are there for us when we need it the most in life. In many ways, they are the people you turn to the most during life’s most tumultuous moments. So when it comes to running a business, [..]
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Human Objectives: Definitions, Examples, and How to Implement Them
Does your company need to recruit more employees? Do you want to ensure your organization is following all the ever-changing employment laws? Have you decided that employee morale has become too low, and you want to improve [..]
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Using the Kaizen Philosophy to Reach Your Business Goals
You know that any business organization that fails to innovate or embrace change risks becoming irrelevant in the market today. From technological advances to changes in consumer expectations, a lot of rapid changes are [..]
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Pros and Cons of a Freemium Business Model
The Freemium business model has been around since the 1980s, but it has recently gained more popularity. The basic premise is that a company will offer a free version of its product or service, but the company will also [..]
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