Want to Make a Good First Impression? Avoid Doing These 4 Things
If you depend on sales for the success of your business, you want to ensure you’re giving the right first impression. We will show you what not to do or say when making a cold call to a new lead. Mastering these [..]
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How Different Generations See Work-Life Balance
Work-Life Balance is a buzz phrase that you have no doubt come across over the last few years, and it isn’t going to disappear anytime soon. According to the Cambridge Dictionary online, it is the amount of time you [..]
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10 Ways To Practice Self Care As An Entrepreneur
Whether you’ve recently started your own business or you’ve been in the entrepreneurial game for several years, you understand the massive impact that being self-employed can have on your mental health. There [..]
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Thailand is Targeting Digital Nomads to Make the Dream of Working and Living There a Reality
Maybe you’ve dreamed about living in Thailand or just used one of their many beach scenes as a screen saver on your computer. Dreams could soon become a reality as more people have to work remotely due to covid-19. [..]
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7 Tips to Find Work-Life Balance When Juggling Multiple Calendars
A good work-life balance is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that you are happy and healthy in the long-run. Protecting time for family, hobbies, rest and relaxation is absolutely essential [..]
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5 Organizations to Help Your Growing Business
Growth for any business can be nearly impossible without having access to mentors, peer-to-peer discussion, knowledge of industry-specific standards, as well as education and training. Fortunately, business leaders have [..]
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Do You Fear Your Own Success? 6 Tips to Get Past Your Fear
Fear of success is a real thing. There are even names for it like “success phobia.” This fear can have a serious effect on your success and satisfaction in life. Fear of success will likely destroy your [..]
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Protecting You and Your Employees from the Dangers of Too Much Screen Time
With work from home trends continuing to rise, and more businesses going digital, the amount of time spent in front of a computer screen has dramatically increased. With the increase of screen time comes some unwanted risk. [..]
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Do These 10 Things Before You Quit Your Job
If you are starting your own business and planning to quit your job, you are a brave person. Everybody wants freedom. But just like all the other great things in life, it has its own cost. Only a few people can pay for [..]
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What is User-Generated Content: 3 Ways to Attract Attention with UGC
People spend countless hours on social media. It has become one of the leading platforms that provide us entertainment.
We share everything on social media – a new haircut, new job, random pic of your dog, your [..]
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