6 Ways to Prepare a Business for a Recession
In the U.S., a modern economic recession occurs on average every 6 years and lasts an average of 10 months according to NBER. This means it is likely a business owner who plans on running a business longer than 5 years will [..]
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7 Ways to Achieve Your Business Goals Faster
Goal setting can be challenging, but it is important. As humans, we are a goal-oriented species. It’s what drives us to get up in the morning and work hard. We all want to achieve a better life for ourselves and those [..]
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6 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Solopreneur
Independence is a beautiful and powerful thing. You have absolute control, with no one to hold you back from pursuing your passions in life. In the business world, there is such a path for this independence; one that many [..]
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8 Long-Term Business Goals for New Businesses
Starting a new business is a daunting task for anyone, and trustworthy advice can be hard to come by online. Although there’s plenty of work involved in starting up, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. [..]
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How to Start a Business with Friends
Have you ever been with a friend or a group of friends and the topic of starting a business came up? Perhaps you and your friends discussed how exciting it would be to run a successful business. Maybe that conversation led [..]
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7 Challenges of Being a Solopreneur and How to Overcome Them
Independence is a beautiful thing. There is something to be said about the power one feels when being in total control. When it comes to business ventures, many entrepreneurs enter this voyage with the idea of being the [..]
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20 Easy Offline Marketing Ideas to Any Business Can Use
Offline marketing is a form of marketing that is not conducted online. It involves using traditional media such as print, television, radio, and billboards to promote a product or service. There are many [..]
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10 Online Businesses You can Start Today From Home
While most businesses today also operate online, there are many types of businesses that can operate solely online. Online businesses tend to be much easier to manage than other types of businesses. Generally, there [..]
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5 Characteristics of a Fixed Mindset
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’m not a fast runner” or “History isn’t a subject I’m good at”? You might only think of these thoughts as learned behaviors about yourself [..]
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5 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset
The growth mindset is a psychological concept that’s been gaining traction among educators and researchers over the past few decades. It is a way of thinking about learning that focuses on effort rather than [..]
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