Do You Fear Your Own Success? 6 Tips to Get Past Your Fear
Fear of success is a real thing. There are even names for it like “success phobia.” This fear can have a serious effect on your success and satisfaction in life. Fear of success will likely destroy your [..]
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Your Business is Profitable. Here are 4 Things to Do with the Money
Making a profit for the first time is a huge milestone for any business. Whether it is a tiny one person operation or if you’re Amazon making a profit after 14 years in business, it’s kind of a big [..]
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How to be Successful in the Long Term with Remote Working
There have been some challenges for those who find themselves working from home. It’s hard to believe companies that have long struggled with letting employees work from home are now considering it on a long-term [..]
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Setting up an LLC for your Startup
Launching a successful startup requires a solid idea, a good plan, and most importantly – a defined business structure. There are several options on the table, including forming a corporation. However, most startups [..]
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5 Ways to Have a Crazy Productive Week
4 years ago
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We all have the same 168 hours in a week. For many entrepreneurs, 168 is nowhere near enough to get everything done that needs to be completed. But since there is no current plan to move the Earth farther away from the sun [..]
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Critical Thinking – Do You Do It Effectively?
4 years ago
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What exactly is critical thinking? It’s when you’re able to change your mind when you get new information. That you’re willing to accept a different viewpoint than your own. Napoleon did not have [..]
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5 Tips Every New Entrepreneur Should Follow
Congratulations! You are officially an entrepreneur, now what? The hardest step in this journey has been done; you took the steps to start your new business, and now that everything is up and running, you want to ensure that [..]
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Stop Comparing Yourself to Others: 5 Ways to Eliminate the Habit
4 years ago
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When you hear about another person making more money than you, has a business that is performing better than yours, or someone being in better shape than you, how does that make you feel? Does it make you feel like you could [..]
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How Strong Companies Survive Recession: 7 Strategies You Must Incorporate in Your Business Today
Recessions and economic slowdowns are unpredictable. They can be caused by natural disasters, pandemics, system breakdowns or just the natural flow of economic cycles. Although there is very little we can do about when a [..]
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5 Things You Think You Need to Start a Business But Actually Don’t
4 years ago
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The crazy part about starting a business is that the journey is so different depending on the type of business you end up pursuing. From the humble beginnings of Bill Gate’s Microsoft to the crazy start of Mark [..]
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